Exercise and Mental Health: Part 4 - Intangibles
/We've explored in the previous three blogs that exercise helps stabilize brain chemistry (Part 1), improves mood (Part 2), and positively effects daily habits (Part 3). This final installment of this series will focus on the intangible factors of physical activity described below:
- confidence - establishing a pattern of exercising several times a week will naturally lead to your body and mind adapting to the higher demands. When you see these gains (running faster, lifting more, longer workouts, etc.), they will reinforce your belief in yourself and you abilities. This confidence will inevitably spill over to other areas of your life as well.
- body image/self esteem - exercise helps improve how you think and feel about your body as you becoming stronger, healthier, fitter, and as you lose weight or put on muscle. This is a positive feedback loop in that you are also more likely to continue exercising if you enjoy the effects.
- clarity - sometimes the best time to think is during a repetitive cardiovascular exercise (like walking, swimming, running, cycling, rowing, etc.). By giving you body a productive task, you mind is free to process emotions and solve problems.
- distraction - stepping away from a problem or conflict to be physically active can be the perfect way to make sure to avoid overreaction or a negative in-the-moment reaction. Having some time away from the issue could give the necessary perspective to come back and address the problem in a healthy and helpful way.
- community - genuine, supportive friendships can form around a common activity. Meeting a group of similar minded, motivated people can be great accountability when you're not feeling it on a given day and for building friendship.
- FUN! - last of all, exercise can be playful, exciting, and fun. There are so many creative ways to get your heart rate up that every exerciser should be able to find a way to make it fun and sustainable in their life. A great way to do this is to exercise as a family and with your kids or nieces and nephews - kids instinctively know how to make active play fun!
These positive effects of exercise improve overall wellness, including healthy body, mind, and soul. Hopefully, this information will help you get out there and move!